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Through the Looking Glasses

Through the Looking Glasses Poster

About the Film


The coming-of-age story of a tweenager’s search for the perfect pair of glasses.

Mel, a nearsighted and headstrong tweenager, is shopping for glasses for the first time with the support of her mom. However, Mom must step away to take an important phone call, leaving Mel daunted by the task at hand. Influenced by the poster ads lining the shop walls, Mel tries on several frames which transport her to different fantasies related to each individual frame – a fashionista walking the streets of Paris, a sculpture artist creating her masterpiece, an airplane pilot, and many more. Each scenario is ruined by her insecurities manifested as her alter-ego, Melicious. Will Mel be able to overcome Melicious and find the right pair of glasses for her?

Film Festivals


Rookies Awards 2022

  • Draft Selection 

  • Film of the Year 2D Animation Finalist

  • Excellence Award

Apex Film Awards 2022

  • Official Selection

  • Nominated for Best Score

Dumbo Film Festival 2023

  • Semi-Finalist

Student Los Angeles Film Awards 2023

  • Semi-Finalist

2022 Student World Impact Film Festival

  • Official Selection

  • Nominee

  • Honorable Mention

London International Student Film Festival 2023

  • Official Selection

Cranford Film Festival 2023

  • Official Selection

  • Best of Fest in Animation

  • Cranford Cougar Award (People's Choice)

ASIFA International Animation Day

  • Official Selection

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Meet the Crew


Morgan L. Eng

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Director and Co-Producer

Morgan is originally from the diner-bagel-loving suburbs of New Jersey. Through her experiences in theater, dance, music, and fine arts, she found her passion for storytelling and collaboration. Animation allows Morgan to combine her backgrounds and interests with storytelling and collaboration at the forefront. Morgan specializes in storyboarding and visual development for animation. Passionate about all things related to storytelling, Morgan will be pursuing her MFA in Sequential Art at SCAD after the completion of “Through the Looking Glasses” to focus on storyboarding. In her free time, Morgan enjoys exercising, playing soccer and ultimate frisbee, painting, drawing, watching movies, and spending quality time with those she cares about.


Jocelyn Strait

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Born and raised in Tennessee, Jocelyn grew up with a love for storytelling and animation. At a young age, she had set her sights on being a novel writer until she realized that working in the animation industry was possible. After that realization, her world opened up and she has never looked back since. After collaborating on a number of projects at SCAD, she is excited to be able to co-produce her first short film. When she doesn't have an apple pencil or Wacom stylus in hand, her hobbies include dnd, reading, and hiking.


Kenny Cen Feng

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Art Director

Kenny Cen Feng is from Venezuela but grew up in China. He has always set his career goal as a chef, but in his high school art class, he fell in love with art and decided to become an animator. Kenny focuses on 2D animation and has recently been interested in visual development. He likes to create beautiful worlds, full of details and vitality. For his works, light is the most important element, because it can bring the artwork to life.


Jasmine Diaz

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Animation Director

Hailing from the state of Texas, Jasmine Diaz is an animator, preferring character animation. Inspired to begin her drawing adventure by consuming various forms of media and trying to recreate it later, it sparked a newfound love of drawing and appreciation for Visual Arts and Media. Wanting to reach further than drawing sketches or stills, she pursued a path in animation in hopes of bringing characters to life and expanding the range of genres to animation.


Emily Cody

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Animation &

Background Painting

Emily Cody grew up in New Jersey with a love for stories in all forms. Every movie she watched and every book she read inspired her to create work of her own. She learned that animation was the perfect way to combine her passion for art with her love for storytelling. That dream of working in animation was set at an early age and even now she finds new reasons to love this path. She focuses on 2D Animation due the impact it had on her growing up and in hopes of one day making a similar impact on others.


Keyanna Edwards

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Color Animation &

Visual Development

Keyanna Edwards was born and raised in a small county in Virginia. Drawing in her notebooks since the second grade, she knew that she always wanted to have a career in art. It wasn't until middle school that she finally figured out she wanted a career in animation from watching the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." Her other favorite movies that helped realize her passion are "A Goofy Movie" and its sequel. She enjoys the old, toony style of animation and hopes to bring something similar back to the big screen. She's excited to start her journey in the world of animation and hopes to someday make her mark.


Haoge Feng

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Effects Animation

Born and raised in Beijing China, Haoge Feng was influenced by Japanese animation growing up. Discovering his interest in drawing at a young age, he started training those skills properly at the age of six. However, if his parents hadn't sent him across the sea to the U.S for further education, he never would have connected his interests and his capability together. With no friends or family around him, animation easily turned into the only thing he could rely on. That’s when he decided to choose animation as his career. After being accepted into SCAD, Haoge found out working on 2D effects is more exciting than working on character animation, so he declared that as his main focus.  As a higher goal, he aims to become an awesome effects animator.


Yanjing Liang

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Yanjing Liang is an animation major from Guangzhou, China. Since her childhood, she has always enjoyed watching animated works from different countries in the world, obsessing over them. She also began painting at a very young age, therefore she has a solid foundation in painting. She likes to step out of her comfort zone and take on designs that she hasn't done in the past. She hopes that during the process of this collaboration, she can continue to break through her limits and create works that shine in front of the audience.


Adriana Santiago

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Publicity Lead & Animation

Adriana Santiago is an Animation and Graphic Design student from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Growing up with architects for parents, she was constantly surrounded by art and design. She developed an interest in animation after discovering Studio Ghibli films as a child.  When it came to choosing a career, she realized animation combined her love for art and storytelling. She is interested in visually telling stories that inspire the viewer. In the future, she hopes to work as part of the story and concept development team in a studio or in a creative agency.


Madison Tortorella

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Research & Publicity 


Madison Tortorella was raised in the sunshine state of Phoenix Arizona. Life was anything but short for this desert child. Everything was an opportunity to make something, even if it was painting her mom's white car with Crayola paint. It wasn't until her second year at ASU that she wanted to do something more. So she packed her bags and made her way to SCAD. Arriving into a new world, she saw new ways of interpreting stories as art. Now in her final year at SCAD, she is excited to be working on future films and exciting new adventures wherever they may lead.

Additional Crew

Noah Catan

Rachel Currid

William Ethridge

Adelina Rose Gowans

Ash Hatmaker

Davis Hardy

Molly Howard

Xi Huang

Hannah Kim

Adrienne Krozack

Rebecca Lau

Audrey Lee
Anna Lin
Taylor Marcy
Julia Paiewonsky
Neko Pilarcik-Tellez
Amanda Ramirez
Jenny Schuermann
Evie Shih
Grace Wisdom
T'Naige Wallace
Deying Xiong

Faculty Supervision

Lee Crowe

Sound Design

Chelsea Rae Adams
Alwyn Tay

Music By

Cole Vakassian



Abby Pryor

Thomas Hasselberger

Editing and Compositing

Alyssa Kalbus
Aanvik Singh


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